Or when I set up a "studio" in the sunroom for his 1-month pics?
How about this 3-month shot? What a handsome boy!!
I know, it's a photo-heavy post. But I feel like it's ok to brag on my boy, especially on his birthday! Even if he is a big 'ol daddys-boy...
And he sure does love his brothers!
He is inquisitive:
Has a love of flora & fauna (lots of bird-chasing from this one):
Enjoys making others laugh:
And is just an all-around wonderful kid. Brave, smart, kind, helpful, handsome and happy. That's my little big dramasaur!
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How Cool Am I? |
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Not, gonna, smile. You. Cannot. Make. Me. Smile. |
Helping Papa. |
What'cha dooooin? |
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DOGPILE!!!!! |
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Happy Halloween - gimme candy or I'll blow out your candles. |
And that time when you were potty-training and the soap just exploded while nobody was touching it. Weird.
Or when you learned to ride that trike and turned into hell on wheels - my toes have never been the same.

Your first 'real' haircut was way less traumatic since Daddy & Papa took you!
But the cuteness has always stuck. I never could stop taking pictures of you...
Remember your first birthday? Probably not. That was the cutest stinkin' Nemo cake I've ever seen - you were obsessed with Nemo. Too bad you puked half that damn cake all over your crib at 2 am. Even grosser? We found petrified bits of pukey frosting in the joints of the dang thing when we took it apart to give to Logan!
You always loved Daddy's hats...
Squinchy smiles.
And you even suffered through a cap & gown photo in Pre-K because Teacher Michelle asked you to.
You aren't afraid (yet) to hug me in public...
Or risk the wrath of Uncle JJ.
That 3-man slide was not the greatest idea...
But you sure are brave about jumping into the pool! You're a damn fish, and it's awesome. Your enthusiasm encouraged both of your brothers to go for it...
I just love taking pictures of you while you sleep. Is that creepy?
You played football, sort of. Even though we realized it was more of an excuse to see your buddies and beat on each other for an hour.
And you still love your brothers.
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Caaaaaannnnnnddddyyyyy!!! |
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Tell me again how the Mother-Son dance is supposed to be "Fun"? |
And how you decided to just go for it with the boogie board last summer, even though the water was freezing and you were worried about the waves (and what might be in them! That's MAH BOY!)
I love that you climb into bed with Pigpen when he gets scared at night. Or just wants a buddy.
I'd love you even if you didn't do any of those things, because that's what moms do. We love you always and forever, no matter what. So, isn't it amazing that I love you so much more because of your beautiful heart, inquiring mind, quirky sense of humor, and crotchety old-man tendencies? And even more amazing is this. I love you more each and every day the Lord keeps you in my life.
Remember always, Proverbs 1:8, Listen, my son, to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching.
I love you forever, Momma