Grumpasaur started an awesome new job. His DREAM job. It was a long, hard road, but we made it, and he's still a bit giddy. Words cannot describe how proud I am of him! Prayer and perseverance. Works every time.
Halloween was as crazy as usual, though nobody got anything stuck in any orifices this year.
We had a lovely Thanksgiving at my brother and sister-in-law's house. I suck because I did not take a single photo that day! I think we had too much wine...
Stanky lost a few teeth, built cool stuff out of Legos, and drew a gazillion pictures for me:
I had a nasty blowout on the freeway, coming home from ice hockey. Ask me if guardian angels are real. Gah'head.
YES. I maintained control, safety exited the freeway, and was able to phone The Grump from 'da hood to come help me out. There was no way I was going to attempt a switch by myself where we were at. Those 4 cruisers were otherwise occupied with the "ladies" across the street, and whatever other mischief they averted while we loitered at the well-lit gas station.
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A little friendly competition |
Drama had a birthday. Piggy helped make the cake. I just found some dried batter under an upper cabinet. Yeah, as in, stuck underneath where you can't see it. GROSS. Drama and I made some Pinterest-y snowmen for his classmates...
Christmas was wonderful as well. Nobody threw up this year, so that was a blessing. The boys got tons of goodies from us, Santa, and the family. The scooters were a big hit, as were the R/C choppers and cars. Again with the no photos thing. I must have been too busy admiring my pretty bracelet.
All of the boys were hanging at Papa's house one day, and decided to pose themselves. How cute is this crap?!
I discovered Henry Cavill, and wondered how I had ever missed him in the first place. He's so PRETTY!

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LOVE this one! |
New Year's was uneventful. Let the boys stay up until 9 with the New Yorkers, then managed to keep my eyelids propped open until we hit the big 1/1. Yay.
The boys had the next Monday off, so I took the day to schlepp my 3 and a friend of theirs up to Lost Lake and the fish hatchery for some hiking, getting dirty, and general boyishness. Followed by ice cream, courtesy of the gift cards from our wonderful landlords!
Aaaand, that pretty much does it for now. I warned you it was photo-heavy!