Additional Awesomeness...

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Fall just might be in the air.

I smelled it, yes I did!  That nippy little tang in the air that says 'Fall is on the way'!  It may just be wishful thinking (in fact, I'm sure that's what my family will say).  And after we had a few weeks (a few weeks ago!) of gorgeous 80 degree days and 60 degree nights, oh yeah, I'm looking forward to Fall.

The weather here can change at the drop of a hat.  That gorgeousness of those two weeks got smacked back by a couple of  weeks of 100+ weather.  We are supposedly in for a "cool down" to the mid-nineties for the forseeable future, though the trusty old Farmer's Almanac says that September and October will be cooler than normal, with above-normal rainfall and a period of hot weather in mid-September. 

I'm so down with that!  Pinterest isn't helping either.  I keep seeing wonderful Fall decorating and craft ideas, festive front porches, and recipes for cold-weather comfort food.  Here are a few of my favorites, from my Fall Seasonal board:
No Source - computer wallpaper!

Pinterest - No Source - anyone?



Yahoo images via Pinterest



I'm loving being able to open the windows at night again.  Hopefully, the slightly cooler weather will be here to stay, and I can bring out my fall decorations next weekend without feeling foolish!

Are you looking forward to a change in seasons?

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Gimme some love and tell me what you think! No really, I can take it. I'll just double-up on those anti-depressants first.

I may not be able to reply back quickly (I am a mom after all), but I read each and every word you type!